雪豹 电影版 / 雪豹...
铁血壮士 / 铁猴子2 / 铁马驹2 之街头杀手 / Iron Monkey 2...
神秘英豪 / 新神雕侠侣 / Saviour of the Soul...
She Shoots Straight...
She Shoots Straight...
漫画神拳 / Operation Scorpio / Scorpion King...
Black Mask...
Black Mask...
光荣任务 / 6 a.m. / 大无谓...
光荣任务 / 6 a.m. / 大无谓...
Bury Me High...
战神 / The Moon Warriors / Moon Warriors...
黄飞鸿3 / 黄飞鸿之狮王争霸 / Once Upon a Time in China III...
英雄本色 / All Man Are Brothers-Blood and Dragon Sabre / Water Margin: True Colors of Heroes / All Men Are Brothers: Blood of the Leopard...