追赶跑跳碰Making It...
群英会Trilogy of Swordsmanship...
扭计祖宗陈梦吉Two Con Men...
年轻人young people...
麻疯怪拳The Tigress of Shaolin...
鬼马姑爷仔The Lady Killer...
A计划续集粤语Project A II / Project A 2...
体育皇后Ti yu huang hou / Beauty Parade...
三燕迎春Three Swinging Girls...
青春儿女Spring Song...
乾隆皇奇遇记Emperor Chien Lung...
南北和粤语The Greatest Civil War on Earth...
猛龙过江粤语The Way of the Dragon / Fury of the Dragon / Mang lung goh kong / Return of the Dragon / Revenge of the Dragon...
卖身契粤语The Contract...
卖身契The Contract...
老虎田鸡大鳄斗虾蟆 / Dirty Tiger, Crazy Frog...
狐鬼嬉春Come Haunt with Me...