幻觉之书 The Book of Vision2020,幻觉之书 The Book of Vision...
Любовь под оливой,橄榄树之恋 Love Under the Olive Tree...
勿与灵说,别告诉任何人 Don't Tell A Soul...
Run,Beg,心悸效应 Бег...
掌控,金牢,Under Her Control,The Boss,女老板 La jefa...
迫在眉睫,燃眉之急,迫在眉梢 John Q...
冒充白人,白色通行证,冒名之肤 Passing...
芳名法兰西,此晨半晴阴,法兰西女主播(港),天后主播法兰西(台),On a Half Clear Morning,Par ce demi-clair matin,法兰西 France...
滴答,滴答……轰隆隆,梦想期限(港),倒数时刻 Tick, Tick…Boom!...
Bulado,布拉多 Buladó...
不良后果 The Fallout2021,不良后果 The Fallout...
戴高乐 De Gaulle2020,戴高乐 De Gaulle...
The Island of Lies,谎言的岛屿 La isla de las mentiras...
36警局/警界双雄,犯罪河岸/二捕曲,36总局,警界争雄 36 Quai des Orfèvres...
酒鬼奶奶 Juniper2021,酒鬼奶奶 Juniper...
Radhe Shyam,拉德希亚姆 రాధే శ్యామ్...
婚事,玛丽布朗的婚姻,玛利亚·布劳恩的婚姻,The Marriage of Maria Braun,玛丽娅·布劳恩的婚姻 Die Ehe der Maria Braun...
意学研究 Italian Studies2021,意学研究 Italian Studies...
Diabólica malicia,Child of the Night,Der Zeuge hinter der Wand,Diabolisch,Night Child,Night Hair Child,Tua presenza nuda, La,What the Peeper Saw,大战小色狼(kevin译名),夜童 La tua presenza nuda!...