马鲁姆 Malum2023,马鲁姆 Malum...
群尸屠城月夜惊心,猛鬼戏院,Demons,群尸屠城 Dèmoni...
妻子的罪恶Blade of the Ripper,The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh,妻子的罪恶 Lo strano vizio della Signora Wardh...
暗水深处黑水凶灵,暗水深处 Мёртвые воды...
死神的长发The Long Hair of Death,死神的长发 I lunghi capelli della morte...
着魔的丽莎著魔的丽莎,Lisa and the Devil,着魔的丽莎 Lisa e il diavolo...
欲海杀机Puzzle of Horrors,Double Face,欲海杀机 A doppia faccia...
泽伯魔王禁地(台),彼岸呼声,Revenge of the Dead,泽伯 Zeder...
艳照疑云淑女欲照,一位女士的可疑照片,The Forbidden Photos of a Lady Above Suspicion,Días de angustia,艳照疑云 Le foto proibite di una signora per bene...
魂断太子港Death in Haiti,Tropic of Cancer,魂断太子港 Al tropico del cancro...
玛丽的白色连衣裙Spirits of Death,玛丽的白色连衣裙 Un bianco vestito per Marialé...
司汤达综合症The Stendhal Syndrome,司汤达综合征,司汤达综合症 La sindrome di Stendhal...
你喜欢希区柯克吗?Do You Like Hitchcock?,你喜欢希区柯克吗? Ti piace Hitchcock?...
恐惧的绿洲An Ideal Place to Kill,Dirty Pictures,Oasis of Fear,恐惧的绿洲 Un posto ideale per uccidere...
勾魂妖女Delitto del diavolo, Il,Queens of Evil,火の森,勾魂妖女 Le Regine...
一岛九命Nine Guests for a Crime,一岛九命 Nove ospiti per un delitto...
圣血Holy Blood,圣血 Santa sangre...
厄运假期凶险假期(港),贝克特,生而被杀,生来被谋杀,Born to Be Murdered,厄运假期 Beckett...
我的一百种恐惧我的一百种恐惧 Jumping from High Places2022,我的一百种恐惧 Jumping from High Places...
危安警戒危安警戒(台),危安警戒 Security...