寂屋出租(台),定居,入侵隐私 The Resident...
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魔鬼末日末世浩劫,世界末日,魔鬼末日 End of Days...
三十极夜2:黑暗的日子厄夜三十2,三十极夜2,三十极夜2:黑暗的日子 30 Days of Night: Dark Days...
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木偶人的攻击木偶人的攻击 Attack of the Puppet People1958,木偶人的攻击 Attack of the Puppet People...
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猎尸者山多尼卡斯先生,猎尸者 Mr. Sardonicus...
魔鸟魔鸦,魔鸟 The Raven...
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歼魔记要你吓破胆,歼魔记 Die, Monster, Die!...
致命布局致命佈局(台),A Deadly Deed...
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蝙蝠1959蝙蝠 The Bat1959,蝙蝠 The Bat...
十三号星期五黑色星期五,十三号星期五 Friday the 13th...
恶魔之门Abduction,界線(台),恶魔之门 Devil's Gate...