绑架女模特 A Model Kidnapping2019,绑架女模特 A Model Kidnapping...
安息日 The Day of the Lord2020,安息日 The Day of the Lord...
鬼请你看戏,Last Ghost Standing,鬼请你睇戏 鬼請你睇戲...
Silk,诡丝 詭絲...
鬼护士(台),电源,断电惊魂 The Power...
达洛夫事件,诡山(台),死亡之山,Тайна перевала Дятлова,Devil’s Pass,迪亚特洛夫事件 The Dyatlov Pass Incident...
催魂频率(台),The Hypnosis,催眠 최면...
A Night in the Cabin,林屋惊魂 The Cabin...
I Saw a Man with Yellow Eyes,小雨的恐惧,恐雨 Fear of Rain...
Irul,恐惧天使 ഇരുൾ...
愤路狂逃(港),Tailgate,夺命公路,绝命碰撞 Bumperkleef...
Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight 2,今夜林中无人入睡2 W lesie dzis nie zasnie nikt 2...
深水妖宅,深宅 The Deep House...
自相残杀,人肉炸弹 Triggered...
狩猎追杀,人狼恶 Hunter Hunter...
你房间有人,诡异入侵,家有访吓,你房里有人 There's Someone Inside Your House...
你独属于我,操控(台),You Belong to Me,你的每一次呼吸 Every Breath You Take...
听说轶事,谜屋暗语,所见所闻 Things Heard & Seen...
现尸报(台),索命停尸房 Morgue...
咒语(台),索命咒 Spell...